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Juan Zhu

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My Favorite Blogs

In this post, I will investigate movies datasets randomly sampled from Rotten Tomatos and IMDB. The purpose of the project is to identify which factors and attributes make movies popular, and develop models to predict audience responses for new movies.

Load packages.


Load the dataset and take a quick look.

# A tibble: 2 × 32
  title        title_type genre runtime mpaa_rating studio thtr_rel_year thtr_rel_month thtr_rel_day dvd_rel_year dvd_rel_month dvd_rel_day imdb_rating
  <chr>        <fct>      <fct>   <dbl> <fct>       <fct>          <dbl>          <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl>         <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>
1 Filly Brown  Feature F… Drama      80 R           Indom…          2013              4           19         2013             7          30         5.5
2 The Dish     Feature F… Drama     101 PG-13       Warne…          2001              3           14         2001             8          28         7.3
# ℹ 19 more variables: imdb_num_votes <int>, critics_rating <fct>, critics_score <dbl>, audience_rating <fct>, audience_score <dbl>,
#   best_pic_nom <fct>, best_pic_win <fct>, best_actor_win <fct>, best_actress_win <fct>, best_dir_win <fct>, top200_box <fct>, director <chr>,
#   actor1 <chr>, actor2 <chr>, actor3 <chr>, actor4 <chr>, actor5 <chr>, imdb_url <chr>, rt_url <chr>

The data set is comprised of 651 randomly sampled movies produced and released before 2016, Each record in the database describes characteristics of a movie.Some of these variables are only there for informational purposes and do not make any sense to include in a statistical analysis, For example information in the the actor1 through actor5 variables was used to determine whether the movie casts an actor or actress who won a best actor or actress Oscar. We select and create some new variables that might be meaningful to identify the popularity of movies.

  • title_type: Type of movie (Documentary, Feature Film, TV Movie)

  • genre: Genre of movie (Action & Adventure, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Horror, Mystery & Suspense, Other)

  • runtime: Runtime of movie (in minutes)

  • mpaa_rating: MPAA rating of the movie (G, PG, PG-13, R, Unrated)

  • imdb_rating: Rating on IMDB

  • imdb_num_votes: Number of votes on IMDB

  • critics_rating: Categorical variable for critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes (Certified Fresh, Fresh, Rotten)

  • critics_score: Critics score on Rotten Tomatoes

  • audience_rating: Categorical variable for audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes (Spilled, Upright)

  • audience_score: Audience score on Rotten Tomatoes

  • best_pic_win: Whether or not the movie won a best picture Oscar (no, yes)

  • best_actor_win: Whether or not one of the main actors in the movie ever won an Oscar (no, yes)

  • best_actress win: Whether or not one of the main actresses in the movie ever won an Oscar (no, yes)

  • best_dir_win: Whether or not the director of the movie ever won an Oscar (no, yes)

  • top200_box: Whether or not the movie is in the Top 200 Box Office list on BoxOfficeMojo (no, yes)

  • oscar_season: New variable, Whether or not the movie is released in theaters during the oscar season.

  • summer_season: New variable, Whether or not the movie is released in theaters during the summer season.

1. Data Preparation

# creating new features
# Column for if movie was released during oscar season
movies <- movies %>% 
  mutate(oscar_season = as.factor(ifelse(thtr_rel_month %in% c('10', '11', '12'), 'yes', 'no')))
# Column for if movie was released during summer season
movies <- movies %>% 
  mutate(summer_season = as.factor(ifelse(thtr_rel_month %in% c('6', '7', '8'), 'yes', 'no')))

# Extracting meaningful features.
movies_new <- movies %>% select(title_type, genre, runtime, mpaa_rating, imdb_rating, imdb_num_votes, critics_rating, critics_score, audience_rating, audience_score, best_pic_win, best_actor_win, best_actress_win, best_dir_win, top200_box, oscar_season, summer_season)

Let’s check and deal with missing values.

cat("Number of missing value:", sum(is.na(movies_new)), "\n")
Number of missing value: 1 


movies_new<-movies_new %>%

Split the data sets into a training Dataset and a testing Dataset,

sample = sample.split(movies_new$audience_score, SplitRatio = .8)
train = subset(movies_new, sample == TRUE)
test  = subset(movies_new, sample == FALSE)

2. Analyze Data

2.1 Descriptive Statistics

# summarize feature distributions
# Let's also look at the data types of each feature.
sapply(train, class)
        title_type                 genre        runtime       mpaa_rating   imdb_rating    imdb_num_votes           critics_rating critics_score   
 Documentary : 44   Drama             :255   Min.   : 39.0   G      : 16   Min.   :1.900   Min.   :   180   Certified Fresh: 99    Min.   :  1.00  
 Feature Film:473   Comedy            : 63   1st Qu.: 92.0   NC-17  :  2   1st Qu.:5.900   1st Qu.:  4375   Fresh          :173    1st Qu.: 32.00  
 TV Movie    :  4   Action & Adventure: 47   Median :102.0   PG     : 95   Median :6.600   Median : 15025   Rotten         :249    Median : 61.00  
                    Documentary       : 43   Mean   :105.5   PG-13  :104   Mean   :6.477   Mean   : 56558                          Mean   : 56.91  
                    Mystery & Suspense: 42   3rd Qu.:115.0   R      :266   3rd Qu.:7.300   3rd Qu.: 57251                          3rd Qu.: 82.00  
                    Horror            : 19   Max.   :267.0   Unrated: 38   Max.   :9.000   Max.   :893008                          Max.   :100.00  
                    (Other)           : 52                                                                                                         
 audience_rating audience_score  best_pic_win best_actor_win best_actress_win best_dir_win top200_box oscar_season summer_season
 Spilled:220     Min.   :11.00   no :518      no :443        no :469          no :489      no :510    no :373      no :389      
 Upright:301     1st Qu.:46.00   yes:  3      yes: 78        yes: 52          yes: 32      yes: 11    yes:148      yes:132      
                 Median :65.00                                                                                                  
                 Mean   :62.45                                                                                                  
                 3rd Qu.:80.00                                                                                                  
                 Max.   :97.00   

      title_type            genre          runtime      mpaa_rating      imdb_rating   imdb_num_votes   critics_rating    critics_score 
        "factor"         "factor"        "numeric"         "factor"        "numeric"        "integer"         "factor"        "numeric" 
 audience_rating   audience_score     best_pic_win   best_actor_win best_actress_win     best_dir_win       top200_box     oscar_season 
        "factor"        "numeric"         "factor"         "factor"         "factor"         "factor"         "factor"         "factor" 

2.2 Data Visualizations

Correlation between categorical feature and audience score

names <- names(Filter(is.factor,train))
plot_list <- list()

for (name in names) {
  plot <- ggplot(data = train, aes_string(x = name, y = train$audience_score, fill = name)) + 
    geom_boxplot(show.legend=FALSE) + xlab(name) + ylab('Audience Score')
  plot_list[[name]] <- plot
plot_grob <- arrangeGrob(grobs=plot_list, ncol=3)


As we know, if median value lines from two different boxplots do not overlap, then there is a statistically significant difference between the medians. Therefore, it looks that best_actor_win, best_actress_win, best_dir_win, top200_box, oscar_season and summer_season do not seem to have much impact on audience_score.

Bar plot of categorical features

plot_list2 <- list()
for (name in names[1:6]) {
  plot <- ggplot(aes_string(x=name), data=train) + geom_bar(aes(y=100*(..count..)/sum(..count..))) + ylab('percentage')  +
    ggtitle(name) + coord_flip()
  plot_list2[[name]] <- plot
plot_grob2 <- arrangeGrob(grobs=plot_list2, ncol=2)


Critics_rating, audience_rating have observations spread out fairly evenly over all categories shows high variability, while “title_type”, “genre”, “mpaa_rating” and “best_pic_win” where most observations are only in one or a handful of categories displays low variability.

Histogram of Numeric attributes

names_n <- names(Filter(is.numeric,train))
hisplot_list <- list()
for (name in names_n) {
  plot <- ggplot(data = train, aes_string(x = name)) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(y=100*(..count..)/sum(..count..)), color='black', fill='white') + ylab('percentage') + ggtitle(name) 
  hisplot_list[[name]] <- plot
hisplot_grob <- arrangeGrob(grobs=hisplot_list, ncol=2)


The distribution of attribute imdb_num_votes is right skewed, will be shifted by using The BoxCox transform to reduce the skew and make it more Gaussian

Correlation between numerical attributes

corr.matrix <- cor(train[names_n])
corrplot(corr.matrix, main="\n\nCorrelation Plot of numerical attributes", method="number")


Summary of Ideas

There is a lot of structure in this dataset. We need to think about transforms that we could use later to better expose the structure which in turn may improve modeling accuracy. So far it would be worth trying:

  • Feature selection and removing the most correlated attributes.
  • standardizing the dataset to reduce the effect of differing scales and distributions.
  • Box-Cox transform to see if flattening out some of the distributions improves accuracy.

3. Data transformation

train$imdb_num_votes <- as.numeric(train$imdb_num_votes)
train_num <- as.data.frame(train[names_n])
# calculate the pre-process parameters from the dataset
preprocessParams <- preProcess(train_num, method=c("center","scale","BoxCox")) # Standardize and power transform
# summarize transform parameters
Created from 521 samples and 5 variables
  - Box-Cox transformation (5)
  - centered (5)
  - ignored (0)
  - scaled (5)
Lambda estimates for Box-Cox transformation:
-0.1, 2, 0, 0.9, 1.3
# transform the dataset using the parameters
transformed <- predict(preprocessParams, train_num)
# summarize the transformed dataset
train_cat <- as.data.frame(train[names[1:6]])
# combine two datasets in r
train_trans <-cbind(train_cat, transformed)

Two predictors - critics score and imdb rating are highly correlated at 0.76 (collinearity). One of them will be removed from the model.

4: Modeling

4.1 Statistical regression modeling

4.1.1 Develop Full model

full_model <- lm(audience_score~ title_type + genre + mpaa_rating + critics_rating + audience_rating + best_pic_win + 
                   runtime + imdb_rating + imdb_num_votes, data=train_trans)
lm(formula = audience_score ~ title_type + genre + mpaa_rating + 
    critics_rating + audience_rating + best_pic_win + runtime + 
    imdb_rating + imdb_num_votes, data = train_trans)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.04700 -0.21807  0.02147  0.20043  1.06860 

                               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                    -0.69458    0.17200  -4.038 6.24e-05 ***
title_typeFeature Film          0.21918    0.14044   1.561   0.1193    
title_typeTV Movie              0.15519    0.21825   0.711   0.4774    
genreAnimation                  0.12235    0.13665   0.895   0.3710    
genreArt House & International -0.24115    0.11405  -2.114   0.0350 *  
genreComedy                     0.04441    0.06470   0.686   0.4927    
genreDocumentary                0.07563    0.14832   0.510   0.6103    
genreDrama                     -0.04539    0.05655  -0.803   0.4225    
genreHorror                    -0.12029    0.09335  -1.289   0.1982    
genreMusical & Performing Arts  0.17789    0.12421   1.432   0.1527    
genreMystery & Suspense        -0.13796    0.07315  -1.886   0.0599 .  
genreOther                      0.02849    0.10286   0.277   0.7819    
genreScience Fiction & Fantasy -0.03869    0.11998  -0.323   0.7472    
mpaa_ratingNC-17               -0.02845    0.25227  -0.113   0.9103    
mpaa_ratingPG                   0.01334    0.09859   0.135   0.8924    
mpaa_ratingPG-13               -0.01926    0.10257  -0.188   0.8512    
mpaa_ratingR                   -0.01395    0.09806  -0.142   0.8870    
mpaa_ratingUnrated              0.04496    0.11314   0.397   0.6912    
critics_ratingFresh            -0.01281    0.04598  -0.279   0.7806    
critics_ratingRotten           -0.03263    0.05068  -0.644   0.5200    
audience_ratingUpright          0.94581    0.04243  22.293  < 2e-16 ***
best_pic_winyes                -0.17528    0.19738  -0.888   0.3750    
runtime                        -0.02930    0.01715  -1.708   0.0882 .  
imdb_rating                     0.56208    0.02693  20.872  < 2e-16 ***
imdb_num_votes                 -0.00727    0.02051  -0.354   0.7231    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.3276 on 496 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.8976,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.8927 
F-statistic: 181.2 on 24 and 496 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

4.1.2 Obtain final model by backward stepwise selection

newmodel <- step(full_model, direction = "backward", trace=FALSE) 
lm(formula = audience_score ~ audience_rating + runtime + imdb_rating, 
    data = train_trans)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.81959 -0.23632  0.01982  0.20731  1.01312 

                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)            -0.56121    0.02801 -20.033   <2e-16 ***
audience_ratingUpright  0.97140    0.04160  23.352   <2e-16 ***
runtime                -0.03095    0.01490  -2.076   0.0384 *  
imdb_rating             0.54695    0.02106  25.977   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.3286 on 517 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.8927,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.8921 
F-statistic:  1433 on 3 and 517 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

4.1.3 Model diagnostics

p1<-ggplot(data = newmodel, aes(x = .fitted, y = .resid)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
  xlab("Fitted values") +
p2<-ggplot(data = newmodel, aes(x = .resid)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05, fill='white', color='black') +
p3<-ggplot(data = newmodel, aes(sample = .resid)) +
grid.arrange(p1,p2,p3, ncol=2)


4.2 Machine learning modeling

# Run algorithms using 10-fold cross validation
trainControl <- trainControl(method="repeatedcv", number=10, repeats=3)
metric <- "RMSE"

4.2.1 Evaluate Algorithms: Baseline

# lm
fit.lm <- train(audience_score~., data=train_trans, method="lm", metric=metric, trControl=trainControl)
fit.glm <- train(audience_score~., data=train_trans, method="glm", metric=metric,trControl=trainControl)
fit.glmnet <- train(audience_score~., data=train_trans, method="glmnet", metric=metric,trControl=trainControl)
fit.svm <- train(audience_score~., data=train_trans, method="svmRadial", metric=metric,trControl=trainControl)
grid <- expand.grid(.cp=c(0, 0.05, 0.1))
fit.cart <- train(audience_score~., data=train_trans, method="rpart", metric=metric,trControl=trainControl)
fit.knn <- train(audience_score~., data=train_trans, method="knn", metric=metric, trControl=trainControl)
# Compare algorithms
results <- resamples(list(LM=fit.lm, GLM=fit.glm, GLMNET=fit.glmnet, SVM=fit.svm,
                                  CART=fit.cart, KNN=fit.knn))
summary.resamples(object = results)

Number of resamples: 30 

            Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
LM     0.2310122 0.2574136 0.2707121 0.2691965 0.2811378 0.3160800    0
GLM    0.2310122 0.2574136 0.2707121 0.2691965 0.2811378 0.3160800    0
GLMNET 0.2310285 0.2507154 0.2657281 0.2667189 0.2803855 0.3135265    0
SVM    0.2502105 0.2889786 0.3066764 0.3063318 0.3253994 0.3615967    0
CART   0.2847380 0.3164592 0.3268184 0.3352146 0.3630442 0.3915826    0
KNN    0.2769875 0.3192514 0.3349857 0.3449373 0.3705548 0.4476559    0

            Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
LM     0.2985992 0.3177708 0.3337284 0.3392684 0.3545900 0.4078148    0
GLM    0.2985992 0.3177708 0.3337284 0.3392684 0.3545900 0.4078148    0
GLMNET 0.2927227 0.3112989 0.3268975 0.3318891 0.3509410 0.3937352    0
SVM    0.3359649 0.3573947 0.3972685 0.4064684 0.4496446 0.5342493    0
CART   0.3459187 0.3843745 0.4044279 0.4088604 0.4319131 0.4731897    0
KNN    0.3535716 0.3874186 0.4268215 0.4325818 0.4733186 0.5664905    0

            Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
LM     0.8476737 0.8785521 0.8876114 0.8884304 0.9003625 0.9281463    0
GLM    0.8476737 0.8785521 0.8876114 0.8884304 0.9003625 0.9281463    0
GLMNET 0.8580913 0.8801078 0.8948029 0.8932897 0.9024593 0.9299116    0
SVM    0.7562335 0.8061196 0.8505634 0.8405477 0.8751151 0.9007095    0
CART   0.8023546 0.8183961 0.8387880 0.8374483 0.8567945 0.8821153    0
KNN    0.7146806 0.7904845 0.8292025 0.8180365 0.8423670 0.8996817    0


4.2.2 Evaluate Algorithms: Feature Selection

# Find and drop attributes that are highly corrected
cutoff <- 0.70
correlations <- cor(train_trans[,7:10])
highlyCorrelated <- findCorrelation(correlations, cutoff=cutoff)
for (value in highlyCorrelated) {
[1] "imdb_rating"

We can see that we have dropped 1 attributes: imdb_rating.

# create a new dataset without highly corrected features
datasetFeatures <- train_trans[,-highlyCorrelated]
# lm
fit.lm <- train(audience_score~., data=datasetFeatures, method="lm", metric=metric, trControl=trainControl)
# GLM Generalized Linear Regression
fit.glm <- train(audience_score~., data=datasetFeatures, method="glm", metric=metric,trControl=trainControl)
# GLMNET Penalized Linear Regression
fit.glmnet <- train(audience_score~., data=datasetFeatures, method="glmnet", metric=metric,trControl=trainControl)
fit.svm <- train(audience_score~., data=datasetFeatures, method="svmRadial", metric=metric,trControl=trainControl)
# CART Classification and Regression Trees
grid <- expand.grid(.cp=c(0, 0.05, 0.1))
fit.cart <- train(audience_score~., data=datasetFeatures, method="rpart", metric=metric,trControl=trainControl)
fit.knn <- train(audience_score~., data=datasetFeatures, method="knn", metric=metric, trControl=trainControl)
# Compare algorithms
feature_results <- resamples(list(LM=fit.lm, GLM=fit.glm, GLMNET=fit.glmnet, SVM=fit.svm,
                                  CART=fit.cart, KNN=fit.knn))
summary.resamples(object = feature_results)

Number of resamples: 30 

            Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
LM     0.2329423 0.2564362 0.2668919 0.2700825 0.2818092 0.3315974    0
GLM    0.2329423 0.2564362 0.2668919 0.2700825 0.2818092 0.3315974    0
GLMNET 0.2284175 0.2526727 0.2649099 0.2669133 0.2815177 0.3163152    0
SVM    0.2249702 0.2625262 0.2743392 0.2765943 0.2932804 0.3404108    0
CART   0.2847380 0.3164592 0.3268184 0.3352146 0.3630442 0.3915826    0
KNN    0.2821982 0.3062210 0.3315394 0.3365520 0.3546523 0.4377836    0

            Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
LM     0.2954738 0.3133134 0.3297484 0.3376256 0.3512610 0.4119349    0
GLM    0.2954738 0.3133134 0.3297484 0.3376256 0.3512610 0.4119349    0
GLMNET 0.2866947 0.3118496 0.3253406 0.3315956 0.3523885 0.3955532    0
SVM    0.2937697 0.3214932 0.3668399 0.3684543 0.4021538 0.5564881    0
CART   0.3459187 0.3843745 0.4044279 0.4088604 0.4319131 0.4731897    0
KNN    0.3440746 0.3741771 0.4223117 0.4247752 0.4527700 0.5816831    0

            Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
LM     0.8429372 0.8764766 0.8898096 0.8892373 0.9016293 0.9261707    0
GLM    0.8429372 0.8764766 0.8898096 0.8892373 0.9016293 0.9261707    0
GLMNET 0.8567947 0.8783813 0.8941842 0.8934166 0.9046634 0.9278666    0
SVM    0.7336090 0.8518095 0.8718849 0.8683236 0.8913415 0.9286218    0
CART   0.8023546 0.8183961 0.8387880 0.8374483 0.8567945 0.8821153    0
KNN    0.6922973 0.8028629 0.8329245 0.8234645 0.8521893 0.9078491    0


Comparing the results, we can see that this has made the RMSE and Rsquared better for the SVM algorithms, no obvious effect on other models. The correlated attributes we removed are no contributing to the accuracy of other models except SVM. It looks like GLMNET has the lowest RMSE and high Rsquared, followed closely by the other linear algorithms, SVM CART and KNN appear to be in the same ball park and slightly worse error and Rsquared.

4.2.3 Improve Results With Tuning

# Let's look at the default parameters already adopted.
# print(fit.glmnet)
# Make a custom tuning grid.  glmnet is capable of fitting 2 different kinds of penalized models, and it has 2 tuning parameters:
# alpha: Ridge regression (or alpha = 0), Lasso regression (or alpha = 1)
# lambda the strength of the penalty on the coefficients
grid <- expand.grid(alpha = 0:1, lambda = seq(0.0001, 1, length = 10))
# Fit a model
tune.glmnet <- train(audience_score~., data=train_trans, method = "glmnet", metric=metric,
               tuneGrid = grid, trControl = trainControl)
# print(tune.glmnet)


4.2.4 Ensemble Methods

# Random Forest
fit.rf <- train(audience_score~., data=train_trans,  method="rf", metric=metric, trControl=trainControl)
# Stochastic Gradient Boosting
fit.gbm <- train(audience_score~., data=train_trans,  method="gbm", metric=metric, trControl=trainControl, verbose=FALSE)
# Compare algorithms
ensembleResults <- resamples(list(RF=fit.rf, GBM=fit.gbm))
summary.resamples(object = ensembleResults)

Models: RF, GBM 
Number of resamples: 30 

         Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
RF  0.2163944 0.2415927 0.2531496 0.2533204 0.2629469 0.2992215    0
GBM 0.2217354 0.2443042 0.2560293 0.2542399 0.2626921 0.2932200    0

         Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
RF  0.2832998 0.3143973 0.3227113 0.3284520 0.3452509 0.3905513    0
GBM 0.2783212 0.3112522 0.3186321 0.3249106 0.3382011 0.3807624    0

         Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. NA's
RF  0.8606755 0.8792828 0.8944804 0.8951121 0.9049159 0.9392259    0
GBM 0.8672786 0.8830680 0.8982563 0.8977297 0.9063247 0.9339450    0


We can see that Gradient Boosting was the most accurate with RMSE and Rsuqared that were better than that achieved by tuning glmnet.

# Improve Results With Tuning
# look at parameters used for Gradient Boosting
# print(fit.gbm)
grid <- expand.grid(interaction.depth = seq(1, 7, by = 2),
                        n.trees = seq(50, 500, by = 50),
                        n.minobsinnode = 10,
                        shrinkage = c(0.01, 0.1))
tune.gbm <- train(audience_score~., data=train_trans,  method="gbm", metric=metric, tuneGrid = grid, trControl=trainControl, verbose=FALSE)
# print(tune.gbm)


4.2.5 Finalize Model

# train the final model
finalModel <- gbm(audience_score~., data=train_trans, n.trees = 400, interaction.depth = 7, shrinkage = 0.01, n.minobsinnode = 10)
                            var     rel.inf
audience_rating audience_rating 73.24576996
imdb_rating         imdb_rating 20.83492961
critics_score     critics_score  1.51946427
genre                     genre  1.44784288
runtime                 runtime  1.13583662
imdb_num_votes   imdb_num_votes  1.05829918
mpaa_rating         mpaa_rating  0.62888280
critics_rating   critics_rating  0.11715459
title_type           title_type  0.01182009
best_pic_win       best_pic_win  0.00000000
# use final model to make predictions on the testing dataset
# transform testing Data 
train$imdb_num_votes <- as.numeric(train$imdb_num_votes)
test_num <- as.data.frame(test[names_n])
# transform the testing dataset using the parameters
transformed_test <- predict(preprocessParams, test_num)
# summarize the transformed dataset
# summary(transformed_test)
test_cat <- as.data.frame(test[names[1:6]])
# combine two datasets in r
test_trans <-cbind(test_cat, transformed_test)
# predictions
predictions <- predict(finalModel, newdata=test_trans)
# calculate RMSE, Rsquared
test_Y <- test_trans[,11]
rmse <- rmse(predictions, test_Y)
#R SQUARED error metric -- Coefficient of Determination
RSQUARE = function(y_actual,y_predict){
r2 <- RSQUARE(test_Y, predictions)
sprintf("RMSE: %#.2f", rmse)
sprintf("R-squared:  %#.2f", r2)
[1] "RMSE: 0.27"
[1] "R-squared:  0.93"

The souce code used to create this blog can be found here.